Permanent Makeup and Cosmetic Tattooing

Cosmetic tattoos can come in many forms. Permanent makeup, micro blading, and our specialty micropigmentation are all examples of cosmetic tattoos. The basic idea is that this kind of tattoo is done to improve a physical feature. Cosmetic tattoos aren’t generally art pieces. So, should you get one? Here’s what you need to know.

Who Is Alec Turner?

Permanent Makeup Is Done Differently Than Tattoos

With an artistic tattoo, your skin is pierced with an inked needle that creates a vacuum in the skin. This vacuum allows for the deposit of ink. With a cosmetic tattoo, a rotary device slices the skin to apply the pigment. This may sound scary, but in fact, most people report feeling less pain than with a regular tattoo.

Not All Cosmetic Tattoos Are Temporary

It’s called permanent makeup for a reason! While it’s true that cosmetic tattoos fade faster than artistic tattoos, this still takes awhile. In most cases, you will need to get a touchup every 1-3 years. Some forms of cosmetic tattooing are totally permanent.

How To Choose A Tattoo

Microneedling and Microblading Can Increase Confidence

A lot of people are insecure about their hairloss. Maybe you regret overplucking your eyebrows in the 90s. Maybe you simply don’t like the look of your receding hairline. Microneedling, which is the process of tattooing a pattern of dots to emulate the look of natural hair, can bring back that lost confidence. Microblading can similarly boost your look by mimicking the appearance of natural eyebrow hair strokes.

Cosmetic Tattoos Are Not Just Makeup

There are many cosmetic tattoo procedures that are not just makeup! Permanent eyeliner, lipliner, and microblading are probably the most popular and well-known cosmetic tattoos. However, cosmetic tattoing can also include stretch mark filling, faux freckles, and even areola reconstruction.

Tattoo Aftercare

What Should You Do?

Cosmetic tattoos are a great option for those looking to boost their confidence, reduce the appearance of scars or hair loss, or simply cut down on their morning routine. Get a consultation to see what is best for you.

closeup of scalp micropigmentation from Eugene Oregon cosmetic tattoo artist permanent makeup

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